Thursday, May 22, 2014

Freedom in the World.

First of, let me say this: If America looses it's freedom, the whole World will become enslaved to those who rule our governments.

What is the situation in our country today?

We are divided. "They" (the government thugs) have worked tirelessly to divide us. "They" have worked to take America down for decades. "They" don't work for us ("They" pretend to, with attractive promises), "They" work for the New World Order, and the creation of one world government.
Many of us have awaken. Unfortunately, a little late. The task at hand is now huge, if only we'd have awoken before.
  • We are divided in ideologies.
  • We are divided in intent.
  • We are divided by religion.
  • We are divided in classes.
  • We have allowed our country to drift away from the Constitution.
  • We have allowed "Them" to become the ruling class.
  • We have allowed "Them" to gather their supporters.
  • We have allowed "Them" to give away our wealth.
  • We are allowing "Them" to give away our land (17 trillions is a debt that "They" will have to repay by giving the lands to foreign governments).
  • We are allowing "Them" to call it the People's debt, when it is truly a scam and a take over.
  • We have allowed "Them" to give our hard earned taxes to Banks & Corporations. And those entities Have simply moved the once great American factories in foreign countries, with money WE gave to "our" Federal government. The Banks simply took our homes, and are now selling them cash to foreign investors, and corporations.
  • We have allowed them to make the Laws benefit the Elite.
  • We have allowed the courts to apply "the Law", and not justice. (ask a judge, he will tell you:"it's not about justice, it's about the law")
  • We have allowed "Them" to control the Media.
  • We have allowed them to create NDAA. A law that allows "them" to incarcerate, kill, without due process. A law that now calls our country a battle field. A law that allows the legal use of propaganda.
  • We have allowed "Them" to write laws that protect corporations like Monsanto.
  • We have allowed "Them" to behave like a dictatorship.
  • We have allowed "Them" to have a shadow / secret government. Under "national security", "They" can hide all their Evil deeds in OUR name.
Some still believe we can vote "Them" out. Some call for a Revolution. Some call for a coup. Some believe "They" will listen to OUR grievances.
  • The voting system is rigged
  • "They" really don't care about our grievances.
  • "They" have their own agenda (21, NWO, etc...)
  • A coup would just bring Civil War.
  • A Revolution would rapidly turn into a Civil War.
China just moved to 2nd in the World economy, and is about to become the 1st.
Why can't we compete?
Because we have been sold out by "them".

What will happen to our status in the World?
The Dollar, or "Petro Dollar" cannot stand. More and more countries are walking away from the Dollar. It is only a matter of time for "that" currency to become worthless. Unless, "They" make the other countries use it. How? By waging war against any one who opposes it.
Is this what we want? Keep our status by force? Can we let "Them" decide to wage WW3 against all the rising economies? Is this all we've become? The Romans fell. Do we want to become the 2nd Romans?

How about here at home?
I don't know if you did, but I've noticed the inflation. Prices have risen. If they haven't, the contents of the packages have reduced.
Have you noticed how households are doing now compared to 30 years ago? I know I did. The only reason I was able to counter the diminishing purchasing power was because of my increased ability to earn more with my sharpened skill set.
  • The unemployment numbers are manipulated ("They" have modified the way to calculate them).
  • The number of people in the work force has drastically reduced.
  • The number of homeless people has increased.
  • The number of homeless Vets is close to 50% of the said homeless.
  • The number of people making it pay check to pay check has increased.
  • The number of people dependent on government has increased (how is that for improved slavery?).
  • What happened to our once great factories? They have closed, and with government money reopened in foreign countries (example: GM was given a bailout,and with it opened in China)
  • More Americans have become powerless, and are at the mercy of the "mighty government". In other words, more Americans are becoming SLAVES. And more will join the ranks.
The slaves will have no alternative, but to beg from government (as long as it stands).
  • "My food stamps"
  • "My free phone"
  • "My free housing"
  • "My free health care"
  • "My free transportation"
  • etc... the free stuff will keep on growing (as long as "This" system stands).
The government employees will be more and more. The slaves will be more and more dependent. The slaves will protect their owners.
This why a coup or a Revolution will NOT work. It will rapidly move to Civil War.

This is why a movement like Operation American Spring needs to grow and gather support of those who are already slaves.

We cannot stop. We must raise awareness of the masses. We must bring them to our side.
For the sake of our children (Christ calls them "the little ones") & the World.

Is time on our side?
No, it is not. "They" hold all the cards. If threatened, "they" will act. If in danger, "they" will destroy everything, just like children throw the board game to the ground because they don't want to loose.
We must be wise. We must watch "their" moves. We must take them by surprise, before "they" throw the board to the ground. Yet we must be relentless.

I will finally ask this question: Can we use "their" tactics against "them"?

Florida beyond OAS coalition


  1. Here is my thought on using their tactics. We need to research America then and compare it to now. Agriculture, Industry, when did we switch from being makers to becoming consumers? Why? They bashed us with ideas of Americans becoming managers, white collar workers? Managers of what?

    1. Of the service industry? service what industry? How foolish we where to gobble those lies.

  2. As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise - Episode 372
